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                您的位置:首页 > 关于我们 > 公司简介




                手 机:15000087360
                电 话:400-167-0203
                地 址:上海市松江区泖港镇中民◆路599弄1号1幢二层-A198

                      上海自东阀门有限公司,是一☆家集生产、科研、开发、销售、服务于一体的阀门生产企业。我公司产品严格执行国家、行业标准GB、JB,以及ISO、BS、API、DIN、JPI、JIS、ANSI等国际、国内标准制造,研发生产的闸阀、球阀、蝶阀、止回阀、截止阀、水〖利控制阀、疏水阀、柱塞阀、低温阀、高温高压非标阀等形成了518个系列,近4000个规格品种;规格:DN6~DN5000;工作压力:1.0MPa~110MPa、150磅~4500磅;使用温度:-196℃~800℃;产品的质量、周到︾的服务,使公司保持持续〗稳定的发展和品牌知名度连年攀升,产品行◤销世界各地,广泛应用于石油、天燃气、化工、电力、冶金、国防科技、矿山、船舶、食品、医药、供水、暖通、城◣建等重要领域。 为了更好的适应市场经济,充分发挥企业优势,自东阀门不断引进人才、吸纳行业的管理经验,打造了一支经〇验丰富、学历较高的管理团队,建立了现代企业的管理制度;为企业的良性发展创造了坚实的基础。多年业,公司@充分发挥“恪守诚信、积极图强、精优勤新、务实高效”的企业精神,我们的每一个阀门都能为客户经♀营好一条管路!


                       我们愿天下有更多安全、赢利的管路成@ 为我们相互信赖、协作共赢∏的桥梁!同时欢迎新老〓顾客光临我公司参观指导。

                      Shanghai zhidong valve co., LTD., is a collection of production, scientific research, development, sales and service in the integration of the valve production enterprise. Products of our company strictly implements national and industry standards of GB, JB, as well as ISO, BS, API, JPI, JIS, ANSI, DIN and other international and domestic standard manufacturing, research and development production of gate valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, check valve, cut-off valve, hydraulic control valve, drain valve, plunger valve, cryogenic valves, high temperature and high pressure non-standard valve and formed the 518 series, nearly 4000 specifications and varieties. Specification: DN6 ~ DN5000; Work pressure: 1.0 MPa and 110 MPa, 150 pounds to 4500 pounds; Temperature: - 196 ℃ ~ 800 ℃; Product quality, considerate service, make the company keep the steady development and brand awareness rising for years, product marketing all over the world, widely used in petroleum, natural gas, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, national defense science and technology, mining, shipbuilding, food, medicine, water supply, hvac, urban construction and other important fields. In order to better adapt to market economy, give full play to the enterprise advantage, from east valve constantly introducing talents, absorbing the management experience of the industry, to create a rich experience and high degree of management team, the establishment of a modern enterprise management system; For the benign development of the enterprise has created a solid foundation. Industry for many years, the company give full play to "abide by integrity, positive enterprising, often new, pragmatic and efficient" spirit of enterprise, we each valve for customers to operate a line!

                Companies adhering to the "credibility to win trust, cast quality brand" business philosophy, adhere to the customer as the center, carefully on the details, creative work, can make is high-quality goods. Company strict production testing equipment and perfect quality management system, ensure the quality of our products. Products are widely used in municipal water system, fire control system, air conditioning systems and water saving, etc.

                We wish the world more safe and profitable line to be our bridge of mutual trust, cooperation and win-win! At the same time welcome new and old customers to visit our company.
